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ABBA Launches The Platform To End Unethical Business Practices And Enforce Transparency And Accountability All Over Africa


ABBA Launches the Platform to End Unethical Business Practices and Enforce Transparency and Accountability All Over Africa 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- WINDHOEK, Namibia, October 22, 2022 (ABBA) -- 

Namibia-based Africa Better Business Agency (ABBA), the only Body in Africa that is advancing trust, transparency, and integrity in cross-border business transactions and intra-state trading on the African continent has officially launched its powerful web based application at 

A premier Business Intelligence System (BIS) with a mission to advance trust and transparency in cross-border business transactions, intra-state trade, provision of services and general commercial activities throughout Africa, ABBA insists on a "no compromise" to business standards that eliminate unethical practices all over Africa. 

Built as a Centralized Autonomous System (CAS) for accreditation of all individual sellers, SMEs and large enterprises operating in Africa, ABBA leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions needed to implement and advance a trustworthy marketplace for all of Africa. 

According to Mr. David Kinabiro, ABBA Country General Manager in Uganda, "ABBA provides relevant data which is aimed to help over 800 million people from all over Africa, who spend money on goods and services each day, through business transactions with different sellers and service providers in different parts of the Continent to make informed decision at the point of every transaction." 


The global crises brought about by natural disasters, wars, plagues and climate change have collectively dealt a big blow to the world's economies. This has created panic and an ever increasing desperation for survival.

This desperate need to survive has  brought a negative side to how people do business in the marketplace, with  different unethical practices, irresponsibility, lack of integrity and lack of transparency in their transactions. 

These negative trends have led to loss of hard earned monies of unsuspecting buyers who spent on goods and services. This dishonesty in the marketplace, although a global problem, along with other challenges, have added more suffering to people in Africa, making development a bigger challenge on the continent than ever before. It is for this reason that the need to clean up Africa's marketplace and to promote honest, clean business deals became necessary. This need gave birth to Africa Better Business Agency (ABBA), the only advocacy Body in Africa, to empower all Africans and everyone living in africa as well as all businesses and service providers on the Continent, to enforce their rights to Customer satisfaction and right payments or wages for goods sold or services rendered. 

"With ABBA, sellers all over Africa will always get paid in full for goods that are sold and buyers everywhere on the Continent will no longer lose monies paid for goods which never get delivered, or substandard items they never actually aid to buy" - Julius T. Gbayange, ABBA VP, Chief Product Officer states excitedly. 

In addition, anyone in Africa can report a company or any erring business entity that puts out a misleading advertising which only aims to defraud and is not backed up by real customer satisfaction as claimed. 

In addition, a customer who got badly treated at a store while shopping, has the right to file a complaint against that store on ABBA. This records of customer complaints on ABBA will stand to speak against that particular store tomorrow as a friendly warning to other potential buyers who wish to do business with them. 

ABBA has as its mantra: "before you pay for anything anywhere in Africa, first search and verify the seller on to avoid disappointment." This helps buyers to make informed decisions before paying for goods and services. 

If it becomes clear that this particular store treats customers shabbily, it is only natural that potential customers will avoid dealing with them and that store will start to lose business as a result. It is only a change of their attitude and approach towards their customers that will restore trust and improve their business success. 

ABBA has come to change the way we see business done today in Africa, while working to protect the interest of all parties in every transaction - whether they are sellers or buyers, service providers or users of such services.  ABBA is  for everyone in Africa. 

All businesses and service providers,  ABBA requires them to: 

1. Uphold the following values:
a) Transparency, 
b) Be accountable,
c) Embrace Integrity,
d) Be civil. 

When these values take root and begin to work practically in your business and service delivery, 

i) You will treat your clients with respect,
ii) Your word can be trusted
iii) Your image and the satisfaction of your clients will become important to you. 

As a result of this change of of approach to your business dealings, 

*) You will build a community of loyal, happy customers, 

**) Through their feedback and reviews, they will promote your business at no cost to you, 

***) ABBA will automatically rate your credibility high based on these feedbacks from customers. 

****) Since everyone all over Africa will first "consult ABBA before doing business with anyone," you will stand a chance of growing your business faster and better just because of chosing to do business correctly and making your customers happy. 

To the people of Africa, ABBA is saying, let me save you all the troubles of the past. Don't pay your money to anyone in Africa for anything without coming to ABBA first to find out about who you want to do business with. 

Henceforth, when a potential customer checks out a certain business or service provider and finds out from ABBA that this business does not keep its word, cheats people, sells fake goods etc, they will go somewhere else. This way, ABBA has saved this potential customer the pain of losing money and the stress of sorrowing over a fake product that he had to pay so much for. 

Thus the first step for businesses and providers of services is to become ABBA Accredited. ABBA Accreditation is a public testimony of trust, honesty, transparency and accountability in business dealings. 

Hence ABBA has become a crucial platform where businesses can expand, grow and thrive beyond imagination. 


ABBA has a Marketplace, an integrated e-commerce platform where sellers from all over Africa can list for free and sell their items - new, used, old or refurbished at good prices. To protect both sellers and buyers, the money paid for items bought on the ABBA web based marketplace is safely held in ABBA Escrow Wallet, a secure payment protection system for online transactions. The seller can confirm the payment made and deliver the items to buyer, but seller has no access to the funds until buyer confirms the receipt of the items paid for, in good condition and is satisfied with the transaction. This confirmation releases the money to the seller to close the deal - ending with a happy seller and a satisfied buyer. 

The company is anchored on a diversified business model with its revenue to be generated from the Accreditation Subscriptions Products, Marketing Solutions and Sales Solutions. ABBA operations remain Centered on its core website and mobile application (which is currently being developed). The mobile application will provide buyers with relevant data to empower them make informed decisions on the go. 

ABBA has continued to grow and expand, maintaining permanent anchor offices in the major towns and cities in different countries throughout Africa. 

About ABBA 

Founded in June 2022 and based in Windhoek, Namibia, Africa Better Business Agency (ABBA) is Africa's fastest growing Business Intelligent System (BIS) whose mission is to advance trust and transparency in cross-border transaction and intra-state trading in Africa. 

Contact Info: 

6 Guthenburg Street
Windhoek, Namibia 

Phone: +264-81-704-7694

For inquiries, contact: 

Julius T. Gbayange,
VP, Chief Products Officer,

WhatsApp: +234-802-329-3022

Safe Harbor Act 

This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ from expectations, estimates and projections and, consequently, you should not rely on these forward looking statements as predictions of future events. Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. 
