Abbain Ratings System

The Abbain Ratings System is calculated based on the numerical scores, which in turn, are converted to a letter grade. The more the complaints, with less resolved complaints, the lesser the scores.

Ratings Point System

The Abbain Ratings System is operated on a 100-point scale. The points may be earned or deducted. Additionally, there are factors that result in “0”. This means that absolutely no points may be awarded for those factors. The following outlines these factors:

  • 0 to 15 points may be earned or deducted for complaint volume. This is directly impacted by the age of the complaint. The longer the complaint stay unanswered, the more the points are deducted.

  • 0 to 40 points may be earned or deducted for unanswered complaints.

  • 0 to 30 points for unresolved complaints.

  • 0 to 5 points for the delay of complaint resolution.

  • 0 to -11 points for a pattern pertaining to the failure to address complaints.

  • 0 to -41 points for the type of business.

  • 0 to 10 points for the amount of time that the business and/or organization has been operating.

  • 0 to -5 points for transparency as it pertains to business practices.

  • 0 to -41 points for the failure to honor a mediation or an arbitration.

  • 0 to -41 points for competency listing.

  • 0 to -25 points for a government action.

  • 0 to -41 points for an advertising review issue.

  • 0 to -41 points for trademark infringement involving Abbain.

Values of Complaints

  • 0 complaint = 100 scores

  • 1 complaint = -10 scores

  • 1 solved complaint = +5 scores Scores

  • Scores between 97 and 100 translate to an “A+”

  • Scores between 94 and 96.99 translate to an “A”

  • Scores between 90 and 93.99 translate to an “A-“

  • Scores between 84 to 89.99 translate to a “B+”

  • Scores between 80 to 83.99 translate to a “B“

  • Scores between 74 to 79.99 translate to a “B-”

  • Scores between 70 to 73.99 translate to a “C+”

  • Scores between 64 to 69.99 translate to a “C”

  • Scores between 60 to 63.99 translate to a “C-”

  • Scores between 54 to 59.99 translate to a “D+”

  • Scores between 50 to 53.99 translate to a “D“

  • Scores between 44 to 49.99 translate to a “D-”

  • Scores between 40 to 43.99 translate to an “E+”

  • Scores between 34 to 39.99 translate to an “E“

  • Scores between 30 to 33.99 translate to an “E-”

  • Scores between 24 to 29.99 translate to an “F+”

  • Scores between 20 to 24.99 translate to an “F“

  • Scores below than 20 translate to an “F-”

Ratings Scores

All Abbain Accredited Businesses must respond to complaints in a satisfactory manner in order to maintain their designation. For nonaccredited businesses, responding to complaints is voluntary. However, doing so helps improve their Abbain Ratings, which can be a powerful incentive in its own right.

Ratings Summary

Each business, accredited or unaccredited, with 0 complaint automatically has 100 scores.

Then when a complaint is received on any business (accredited or unaccredited) then the ratings scoring points, as listed above, apply.


Customer Reviews are not used in the calculation of the Abbain Rating Scores.

  • 1 star = 20 scores (E)

  • 2 stars = 40 scores (D)

  • 3 stars = 60 scores (C)

  • 4 stars = 80 scores (B)

  • 5 stars = 100 scores (A)

Displaying the scores for the Feedback Ratings is not displayed in numerical, like 20 or 40 but it shown by letters such as A, B, C, D, E