Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is Abbain for?

Abbain is here to serve the business interests of everyone in Africa. This includes business owners, providers of services as well as everyday buyers who patronize sellers of goods' rating.

2. Is Abbain Gender Sensitive?

No. As a broad, all inclusive Corporate Body, Abbain remains an impartial moderator that represents the interests of all parties in the marketplace, regardless of gender.

As employer of labor, Abbain gives equal opportunities to all employees who qualify, but not on the basis of their gender.

3. My Location Is Outside Africa. Can I Get Abbain Accreditation?

Without discrimination, Abbain focuses on Africa's marketplace. So, if your location is outside Africa, but as long as you have a business established in Africa or you own business operations anywhere in Africa, you are welcome to become Abbain Accredited.

4. Years ago, my friend lost the money he paid for goods that were not supplied. How can Abbain help?

Firstly, doing business with Businesses that are Abbain Accredited gives you peace of mind because Abbain gives you adequate information on the Accredited business owners or the companies to help you make informed decision to avoid such experiences.

Secondly, where your business transaction with a seller or company is done on Abbain, the Abbain Wallet Escrow does not release money to seller untill you confirm your goods received in good condition.